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相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像的英文

"相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像"怎么读


  • xiang
  • "相"英文翻译    looks; appearance
  • "香"英文翻译    fragrant; sweet-smelling; ar ...
  • "箱"英文翻译    chest; box; case; trunk
  • "详"英文翻译    detailed; minute
  • "祥"英文翻译    auspicious; propitious; luck ...
  • "享"英文翻译    enjoy
  • "响"英文翻译    sound; noise
  • "想"英文翻译    think; ponder
  • "向"英文翻译    direction
  • "项"英文翻译    nape
  • "像"英文翻译    likeness; portrait; picture
  • "像,相" 英文翻译 :    image, picture
  • "向(相)量方程" 英文翻译 :    vector equation
  • "详" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词(详细) detailed; minute 不厌其详 go into minute details; 详谈 speak in details; go into details; have a detailed discussionⅡ名词(详细情况) details; particulars 详见附录。 for details, see the appendix.Ⅲ动词1.(说明; 细说) tell; explain 另详 be explained separately elsewhere; 内详 (written on envelope) for contents please see inside2.(清楚) know clearly 作者生卒年月不详。 the author's dates are unknown
  • "祥" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词(吉利) auspicious; propitious; lucky 不祥 ominous; inauspiciousⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 祥合 xiang he
  • "响" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(声音) sound; noise 两响的爆竹 double-bang firecrackers; 随着一声巨响 with a tremendous noise; 一声炮响 the report of a cannon; 听不见响儿了。 no more sound is heard.2.(回声) echo 反响 repercussion; echo; reverberationⅡ动词(发出声音) make a sound; sound; ring 响锣 sound a gong; 到处响起了号声。 bugles sounded everywhere. 电话铃响了。 the telephone rang. 扩音器不响了。 the loudspeaker's stopped working. 六点钟时响起了用晚餐的铃声。 the bell sounded at six o'clock for dinner. 全场响起了暴风雨般的掌声。 a stormy applause broke out in the hall.; the hall resounded with stormy applause. 他一声不响地走了。 he left without a word.Ⅲ形容词(响亮) noisy; loud 收音机开得太响了。 the radio's too loud [noisy]
  • "享" 英文翻译 :    动词(享受) enjoy 共享胜利的欢乐 share the joy of victory; 享清福 enjoy the happiness of leisure; 坐享其成 sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other's work
  • "象" 英文翻译 :    i 名词1.(哺乳动物) elephant 非洲 [亚洲]象african [asian] elephant2.(形状; 样子) appearance; shape; image 万象更新。all things take on a new aspect.; everything looks new and fresh.3.(棋子) elephant, one of the pieces in chinese chess4.(姓氏) a surname 象刚 xiang gangⅡ动词(仿效; 摹拟) imitate 象声 onomatopoeia
  • "香" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(气味好闻) fragrant; sweet-smelling; aromatic; scented:稻香千里 the fragrance of ripening rice spreading a thousand li; 她一边闻紫罗兰的芳香, 一边说“好香啊!” she inhaled the violet perfume, saying “how sweet!” 最美的花并非最香的花。 the handsomest flower is not the sweetest.2.(食物味道好) savoury; appetizing 炒什么菜啊? 好香呀! mmm! what's cooking? it smells delicious.这饭真香! this rice is really appetizing.3.(吃东西胃口好) with relish; with good appetite 吃得很香 eat with relish; enjoy the food; 昨晚没睡好, 吃饭不香。 i have no appetite because i didn't sleep well last night.4.(睡得塌实) (sleep) soundly 她睡得正香。 she is sleeping soundly.5.(受欢迎) popular; welcome 这种手表在女士中很香。 this kind of watch is very popular with ladies.Ⅱ名词1.(香料) perfume or spice 沉香 agalloch eaglewood; 麝香 musk; 檀香 sandalwood2.(用木屑加香料做成的细条) incense; joss stick 焚香 burn incense; 盘香 incense coil; 蚊香 mosquito-repellent incense3.(姓氏) a surname 香云 xiang yun
  • "项" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(颈的后部) nape (of the neck) 颈项 neck2.(款项) sum (of money) 进项 income; 欠项 liabilities; 用项 items of expenditure; expenditures3.[数学] (不用加、减号连接的单式) term 同类项 similar terms; 外项 extreme term4.(姓氏) a surname 项羽 xiang yuⅡ量词(用于分项目的事物) 八项原则 eight principles; 第五条第二款第三项 article 5, clause 2, item 3; 一项一项地进行解释 explain item by item; 还有一项工作要做。 there is another job to do. 造林是一项重大任务。 afforestation is a matter of vital importance
  • "想" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(思索) think; ponder 想办法 think of a way; try to find a solution; 想得真周到 have really thought of everything; 想问题 think over a problem; 你在想什么? what are you thinking of? 让我想一想。 let me think it over.; let me see. 仔细想想再回答。 think carefully before you answer.2.(推测; 认为) suppose; reckon; consider; think 你想会下雨吗? do you think it will rain? 谁会想到这是你干的? who could have supposed it was you who did it? “他会来吗 ?” -- “我想会的。” “will he come ?” “i suppose so.” 我想我该走了。 i'm afraid i must be going now. 我想我们将在下星期去。 i reckon we'll go next week.3.(希望; 打算) want to; would like to; feel like (doing sth.) 你想看足球赛吗? do you want to see a football match? 我非常想看看它。 i should very much like to see it. 下课以后你想干什么? what do you want to do after class? 这会儿我不想去散步。 i don't feel like a walk just now.4.(怀念; 想念) remember with longing; miss 你走了以后, 我们都很想你。 after you left, we all missed you. 我非常想家。 i have a great longing for home
  • "相" 英文翻译 :    相Ⅰ名词1.(相貌; 外貌) looks; appearance 丑相 ugly looks; 怪相 strange appearance; 显出一副狼狈相 cut a sorry figure; 一副可怜相 a pitiful appearance; a sorry figure; 一脸凶相 a fierce look on one's face; 长相儿 a person's appearance2.(坐、立等的姿态) bearing; posture 站没站相, 坐没坐相 not know how to stand or sit properly; 这孩子睡相不好。 the child sleeps sprawled all over the bed.3.[物理学] (相位) phase 三相电动机 three-phase motor; 调相 phase modulation4.(照片) photograph 照个相 take a photo; have a photo taken5.[书面语] (宰相) prime minister 丞相 prime minister (in ancient china)6.(某些国家的官名) minister 外务相 minister of [for] foreign affairs; foreign minister7.[地质学] facies 海[煤] 相 marine [coaly] facies; 浅海相 neritic facies8.(棋子) elephant, one of the pieces in chinese chess9.(姓氏) a surname 相昕 xiang xinⅡ动词1.(观察; 察看) look at and appraise 相马 look at a horse to judge its worth; 人不可以貌相。 never judge a person by his appearance.2.[书面语] (辅助) assist 相夫教子 (of wife) assist husband and bring up children
  • "像" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(比照人物制成的形象) likeness (of sb.); portrait; picture 画像 portrait; 金 [铜; 银] 像 gold [bronze; silver] statue; 自由女神像 the statue of liberty2.[物理学] image 实[虚] 像 real [virtual] imageⅡ动词1.(在形象上相同或有共同点) be like; resemble; take after 姐妹俩长得很像。 the two sisters are very much alike. 她外貌上像她的姐姐, 性格上却不同。 she resembles her sister in appearance but not in character. 这女孩像她母亲。 the girl takes after her mother.2.(好像) look as if; seem 稻田像一片片翠绿的地毯。 the paddy fields looked like carpets of fresh green. 她看起来像是一个异常聪明的姑娘。 she seems an unusually clever girl. 像是有人在敲门。 it sounds like sb.'s knocking on the door.3.(比如; 如) such as; like 唐朝有很多大诗人, 像李白、杜甫、白居易等。 the tang dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as li bai, du fu and bai juyi. 像黄继光这样的英雄人物, 将永远活在人民的心里。 heroes such as huang jiguang will always live in the hearts of the people
  • "像…" 英文翻译 :    be like; be something of; take after
  • "箱" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(箱子) chest; box; case; trunk 保险箱 coffer; 大木箱 wooden trunk; chest; 弹药箱 ammunition chest; 货箱 packing box; 垃圾箱 dustbin; garbage [ash] can; 皮箱 leather suitcase; 三箱鸭蛋 three cases of duck eggs; 一箱衣物 a chest of clothes2.(像箱子的东西) anything in the shape of a box 风箱 bellows; 信箱 letter box; mailbox
相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像的英文翻译,相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像,相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像的英文意思,相 香 箱 詳 祥 享 響 想 向 項 象 像的英文相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像 meaning in English相 香 箱 詳 祥 享 響 想 向 項 象 像的英文相 香 箱 详 祥 享 响 想 向 项 象 像怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。